马可波罗和图兰朵项目帮助没有意大利语基础的中国学生可以在国内先申请大学预注册类型的 签证,之后到意大利参加为期10个月或者个月的意大利语课程。
学生需要联系其所选大学的留学生办公室(Ufficio Stranieri)注册专业。本科生在高考得分至少400/750,会获得学历价值声明。
CiaoItaly 旨在满足希望在意大利大学注册学生的具体需求,为其提供接待服务和意大利语课程。 课程都是以意大利语为母语的老师授课,并且老师都有丰富的教导中国学生的经验。学校还提供 丰富多彩的娱乐休闲活动,让学生尽可能地了解都灵这个城市,并在教室外能做大量地练习意大 利语。为了确保最高质量的课程,我们保证每班最多只有14名学生。
课程周期: |
10个月(40周,每周25课时) |
课时 |
1000 |
开始日期: |
2025年11月03号 |
结束日期: |
2026年08月21号 |
该课程根据学生学习进展分小组学习,包括学习关于不同大学课程的专业语言课,有助于中国学 生更好地准备专业课程。
“文化与社会”课程是基于与意大利社会和文化相关的课题,旨在促进学生融入并参与社会互动, 以及将来融入他们所选择的预注册专业。
在课程结束时,考试合格者可以获得一个语言等级证书在意大利大学注册需要CEFR B1或B2 级。学生还可以获得官方CILS意大利语等级B1或者B2证书。
学费:€6,350.00 + €100.00注册费(包括教材、CILS考试费用)
课程周期: |
11个月(44周,每周25课时) |
课时 |
1100 |
开始日期: |
2025年10月06号 |
结束日期: |
2026年08月21号 |
该课程根据学生学习进展分小组学习,包括学习关于不同大学课程的专业语言课,有助于中国学 生更好地准备专业课程。
“文化与社会”课程是基于与意大利社会和文化相关的课题,旨在促进学生融入并参与社会互动, 以及将来融入他们所选择的预注册专业。
在课程结束时,考试合格者可以获得一个语言等级证书。在意大利大学注册需要CEFR BI或B2级。 学生还可以获得官方CILS意大利语等级BI或者B2证书。
学费: €6,850.00 + €100.00注册费(包括教材、CILS考试费用)
等级证书的同学,无法注册意大利大学。 中国学生将参加以母语是汉语的学生为基础而设计的课程。学生如果达到适当的语言能力水平, 可与世界各地的留学生一起加入国际班。这将由教师自行决定。
Dear Customer,
this is to inform you about how your data will be processed by CIAOITALY – LEARN ITALIAN IN ITALY SRL, with registered office in Piazza San Carlo 206, Torino (TO), as "Data Controller", in relation to the activities defined by contract and related to the request for information through our contacts (mail, telephone, etc.), in accordance with Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of individuals with regard to data processing personnel and related implementing legislation (hereinafter referred to as the "Rules").
1. The data concerning you are those:
a) collected during telephone / IT contact with our company
b) supplied following a contract with our Company
2. Your data may be processed for the following purposes:
c) sending commercial or promotional communications, also relating to services other than those you have already purchased from us (if you have agreed to this processing);
The legal basis for the processing of personal data is the execution of a contract for the purposes referred to in point b), and your consent for the purposes referred to in points a) and c).
3. The supply of data is optional with regard to the purposes indicated in point c). Any refusal to provide data for the purposes referred to in point 2 c), will not entail any consequences, except for not being informed about any marketing and promotional-advertising initiatives by the Company, as well as not receiving commercial communications which may interest you.
4. With regard to the purposes referred to in point 2 above, the data processing by the Company will be carried out through IT and electronic tools in ways strictly related to the purposes themselves and, in any case, in order to guarantee its safety and always in full compliance with the current legislation concerning the protection of personal data.
5. In order to carry out the contract, your data will be processed by the employees of the Company who have access to it due to the tasks performed (for example, Administration, Commercial, etc.).
The Company may communicate your personal data but only the data strictly necessary to ensure the provision of services.
These individuals will have access to the personal data necessary to perform those tasks (and may not use them for different purposes), will be required to process the data in accordance with the current law, will be responsible for the processing requested by the Company and will be included in an updated list, available at the Company.
Other than the above, your personal data will not be disclosed to third parties or otherwise disseminated. Your personal data will be stored on servers available to companies located in the European Union, and will in no way be transferred to countries outside the European Union.
6. Any data collected and processed with your consent for the purposes indicated in c), will be retained until the interested party does not revoke the consent to receive commercial communications from CIAOITALY – LEARN ITALIAN IN ITALY SRL or request cancellation of their data, except for the need to preserve data to defend the rights of CIAOITALY – LEARN ITALIAN IN ITALY SRL in relation to disputes in force at the time of the request, or upon request by the public authorities.
7. According to articles 15 to 22 of the Rules, you have the right to: a) obtain the cessation of processing in cases where your personal data is processed for direct marketing purposes, also in relation to services identical to those already provided by our Company (so-called right of opposition); b) obtain information about the purposes for which personal data is processed, the period of processing and the individuals to whom the data is communicated (right of access); c) obtain the correction or integration of inaccurate personal data concerning you (so-called correction right); d) obtain the deletion of personal data concerning you in the following cases: (I) the data is no longer needed for the purposes for which it was collected; (II) You have withdrawn your consent to the processing of data if they are processed on the basis of your consent; (III) You have objected to the processing of your personal data in the event that they are processed for our legitimate interest; or (IV) the processing of your personal data does not comply with the law. However, we point out that the storage of personal data by CIAOITALY – LEARN ITALIAN IN ITALY SRL is lawful if it is necessary to fulfill a legal obligation or to verify, exercise or defend a right in court (so-called cancellation right); e) obtain that the personal data concerning you be exclusively stored without any other use being made of it in the following cases (I) you dispute the accuracy of personal data, for the period necessary to enable us to verify the accuracy of such personal data; (II) the processing is unlawful but you still oppose the cancellation of personal data by us; (III) personal data is necessary to verify, exercise or defend a right in court; (IV) you have objected to the processing and we are awaiting a judgement on the upholding of our legitimate reasons for the processing against yours (so-called limitation right); f) receive personal data relating to you in an accessible format, readable by an automatic and multi-access device, whether it is processed by contract or on the basis of your consent (so-called portability).
Finally, we remind you that you have the right to contact the Personal Data Protection Authority (Piazza di Monte Citorio No. 121, 00186 Rome), in order to assert your rights in relation to the processing of personal data.
You may revoke, at any time, the consent given for the processing of your personal data for the purposes referred to in 2 c) without prejudice as to the lawfulness of the processing based on the consent before revoking it. You may withdraw your consent by communicating it to the email address 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。
8. The Data Controller of your personal data is CIAOITALY – LEARN ITALIAN IN ITALY SRL, with registered office in Piazza San Carlo 206, Torino (TO). The Data Controller can be contacted for requests or reports at the following addresses: 该邮件地址已受到反垃圾邮件插件保护。要显示它需要在浏览器中启用 JavaScript。 .
By writing to the same address, you may exercise the rights indicated in paragraph 7 of this Information.
9. CIAOITALY – LEARN ITALIAN IN ITALY SRL uses technical and profiling cookies in order to collect and access the information stored on your device. For more information, please see the full information on the use of cookies available on our website.