
Study Grants


Italian language in Turin

Every year, CiaoItaly makes study grants available for students from Italian Institutes of Culture all over the world. In order to apply for such grants, students must contact their nearest Italian Institute of Culture.
The list can be found here: Cultural Institutes

Universities, foreign schools and cultural organisations interested in stipulating agreements with our institution are invited to contact us. We would be pleased to collaborate with new partners.


Government Subsidies

For German working students, our courses are recognised as BILDUNGSURLAUB in many German states. Our school is recognised by the CSN Lund-Sweden (National Swedish Student Assistance). Swedish students can apply for a study grant. For further information, please consult this website www.csn.se

Oretta Panzani

Special Study Grant in memory of Oretta Panzani

Oretta Panzani was a good person who believed so much in CiaoItaly project that she offered it a home. Without her this school would probably never have been born. Today Oretta Panzani is no longer with us, but we like to remember her as if she were still here among us.
Oretta loved travelling, and she was very interested in Jewish culture. For this reason, our school has decided to commemorate her by offering a study grant once a year to a deserving student from Israel.
The study grant consists of a four-week intensive group course, and can be taken at any time during the year with the exception of December and August.
For further information, please contact the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. association or the This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

מענק לימודים מיוחד לזכרה של אורטה פנזאני

אורטה פנזאני האמינה כל כך בפרויקט CiaoItaly שהיא הציעה לו בית.
בלעדי טוב ליבה בית ספר זה כנראה לא היה קים. היום אורטה כבר לא איתנו, אבל היינו רוצים לזכור אותה כאילו היא עדיין כאן בינינו.
אורטה אהבה לטייל והתעניינה במיוחד בתרבות היהודית. מסיבה זו, בית ספרינו החליט להנציח אותה על ידי מתן מענק לימודים חד שנתי לתלמיד ראוי מישראל.
מענק הלימודים מורכב מקורס אינטנסיבי קבוצתי של ארבעה שבועות, וניתן לקחתו בכל עת במהלך השנה, למעט חודשי דצמבר ואוגוסט.
למידע נוסף, אנא צור קשר עם עמותת איטליה-ישראל This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. או עם This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



How do I apply for a study visa? Read more


What examinations can be taken at CiaoItaly? Read more

Scholarships and bursaries

How do I apply for one of those? Read more

Group courses

When do beginners’ courses start? Read more

About us

  • sheIt's the cheerful, friendly atmosphere that I like. A warm welcome - and by name! Everytime! It’s what helps to make me feel a part of the school and not just another number in the cash register!

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  • I arrived in Torino in September 2009. Not my first time in this gem of a city. Had spent several months there previously, but never found the energy to take formal Italian lessons.

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Special courses

Cultural courses
You cannot learn Italian in Turin without getting to know the city, which as Italy’s first capital has played an important role in the country’s history. Read more
Courses for Large groups
Ciao Italy can accommodate large groups of students. Read more
Turin Spotlight
Discover Turin in the company of a specialised tourist guide selected by CiaoItaly. Read more


Conservatorio Giuseppe Verdi di Torino