
Prices Intensive Group-courses

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1 week 20 € 250 € 250 per week € 150 per week
2 weeks 40 € 440 € 220 per week € 150 per week
3 weeks 60 € 660 € 220 per week € 150 per week
4 weeks 80 € 880 € 220 per week € 150 per week
5 weeks 100 € 950 € 190 per week € 150 per week
12 weeks 240 € 2.040 € 170 per week € 150 per week
24 weeks 480 € 3.600 € 150 per week € 150 per week
40 weeks 800 € 5.200 € 130 per week € 130 per week
48 weeks 960 € 5.760 € 120 per week € 120 per week
Short Description
  • Participants: min. 3 - max. 14 participants per group; should there be only one participant for a course/level, she/he will be given 10 lessons of private tuition per week; if there are only two participants for a course/level, they will receive 15 lessons per week.
  • Starting dates: every Monday.
  • Starting dates for absolute beginners: contact the school
  • Levels recommended: beginners - advanced.
  • Recognized as “Bildungsurlaub”.
  • Special price for Swedish students with "CSN" loans: contact the school
  • A €80 enrollment fee valid for 12 months must be paid for any enrollment.
Price for University students

The prices are valid for students of these universities or institutes:

  • Politecnico di Torino
  • ESCP Business school
  • Accademia Albertina di Belle Arti di Torino
  • Università degli studi di Torino
  • Conservatorio statale di musica Giuseppe Verdi Torino
  • SAA School of Management
  • Università degli studi di scienze gastronomiche di Pollenzo
  • IAAD - Istituto d'Arte Applicata e Design
  • Università Pontificia Salesiana
  • IED - Istituto Europeo di Design
  • ACME - Accademia di Belle Arti
  • ABAQ - Accademia di Belle Arti Aquila
  • Accademia di Belle Arti Michelangelo di Agrigento
  • Poliarte Design - Accademia di Belle Arti Ancona
  • Istituto Musicale Luigi Boccherini
  • Conservatorio G. F. Ghedini di Cuneo
  • Istituto superiore di studi musicali A. Toscanini di Ribera
  • AIMART - Accademia internazionale di musica e arte